Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sterling - New York

It was summer of 2007. Andy and I was having lunch at Chipotle and started talking about traveling. I told him many times I wanted to travel and see more of this country. We discussed if we can drive Alaska and see many states along the way. When we estimate the time it takes, it needs at least three weeks. After discussing a bunch of options we came to the conclusion that we don’t have what it takes to drive through Alaska in addition to the time needed.

The following day Andy came up with two travel options. The first option was to travel up east coast and then to Canada. And the second option was to travel mid west. I agreed with the proposal and told me to think about it and prepare detailed plan for one of the option. When I offer the plan to Avi , he was not that much interested. The reason was he didn’t have enough vacation time to travel. After all, why Avi would be enthusiastic because he has already travelled in U.S. for six months. The idea of travel was on hold due to different reasons and inconvenience for many months.

During the second week of April, 2008 while having lunch at chipotle Andy proposed a more detailed travel plan. I don’t exactly know until now why Andy every time proposes a travel plan during lunch time and at chipotle.

Avi was also there. We are not going lunch to chipotle every day. It is just a coincidence to propose a plan for the second time the same place. Andy also told us he has already given a resignation. I was also thinking to go back to Ethiopia for a little bit. But I was not prepared to leave ESE Consultants Inc . I was also planning to leave ESE in July or august. So it was a matter of choosing between two things. To keep on working until July or august and then to go back home or to quit the same time as Andy does and travel together. Honestly, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity of travelling. If I don’t do it right now I know that I may not do it in the future. So I decided and put 15 days notice. It was totally my responsibility to leave my job. Good timing!!

Travelling started yesterday on may 12 around 12 pm. Avi is our manager. Groelinger knows why Avi is a manager. He can explain it better than I do. Our plan was first to go to Rehoboth beach in Delaware. Thanks to Avi and Andy. Avi has been always making fun of me because I have never been to the ocean. Actually, making fun of me on a lot of things. I am going to sue him. Groelinger is going to help me looking for a lawyer.

However, due to the rain we changed our plan a little bit and started heading New York. This is my first time in New York . I am excited. If you keep on travelling with us, I will keep you posted.


Unknown said...

Sisay you are the man i love the pic of you and the flag. Big thumbs up.
You guys have fun. I will defiantly be watching. Stay safe. America watch out.

Joe said...

Andy! You're a crazy dude. You quit your job? What's the new plan?