Friday, May 23, 2008

East by Mid-East

"An Ethiopian, a Kenyan & an Israeli walk in to a bar... " - No, that's not a beginning of a joke, but part of my life reality for the past 3 years.
"An Ethiopian, a Kenyan & an Israeli go on a road trip across America... " - Now here's something to raise an eyebrow about... - 'Cause you know, even though it's not intended on being the beginning of a joke - things are bound to be a little funny, to say the least...

While Sisay & Andi are from East &/or Eastern Africa (lets try and not go in to the differences with too much detail...), I am from the Middle East. We all live on the East Coast, at the Eastern part of Northern Virginia AND... we all worked for Eastern States Engineering, which later became ESE (which now is no longer a very cosmopolitan place to work for, as most of the foreigners, or to be more specific - the 3 of us, don't work there no more...). Anyway, with so much East everywhere, there was only one direction we could head out to at the beginning of our trip...
- You guessed it right: EAST!!!

So on Monday, May 12, about 1.5 weeks ago we set sail: First we headed towards NYC, and then even further East on to Long Island & the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. After that we headed North, towards upstate NY, and there, by the New York State Capital, we made that crucial move from I-87 on to I-90 and started heading West. The real part of our trip began - we were headed Out WEST!!!

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